Decentered Listening
Sound installation, Performance, 40:00
With Ash Eliza Smith, Forest Reid, Peter Bromirski, and Glenn McClure
With Ash Eliza Smith, Forest Reid, Peter Bromirski, and Glenn McClure
Decentered Listening is an immersive sound installation created with seismic data collected from Antarctica. This project was made in collaboration with Peter Bromirski, an ice seismologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who studies the speed and patterns of ocean wave impact on the ice to determine the ice shelves' integrity over a period of several years. We used a 24-hour ice data collected on April 19, 2015, and sonified this as the performance piece that was played three years later on April 19, 2018 at the Calit2 theatre in La Jolla, California. This installation invited guests to lie down on the shelf-like building structures or to sit and walk around it, all to engage a difference perception of listening, much like Bromirski's practice as a (pseudo) ice "doctor".